Fearless Living


Aruna Shields (CHP, CMT)


(Former Film Star in England, India and France)


*Coaching & Consulting *Psychotherapy * Hypnotherapy *Meditation

Therapy office Hollywood Hills 90068

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We are at an exciting moment in our evolution where experiential spirituality and psychotherapy are merging to create powerful solutions to upgrade human consciousness; this combination is essential for the survival of the human species. Thank you for wishing to rise to a new platform of awareness.

We are all interconnected and when we heal our wounds we heal the world. It is now possible for us to live harmonious, healthy and successful lives. My service is to offer you insights, support and tools so you can smoothly step into that new reality.

Half Indian, half English I come from a lineage of Vedic spiritual teachers. My life experience includes becoming one of the most ‘Googled’ names in India, over 10 years as a clinical therapist, working in Malibu rehabs and developing into a meditation expert.

Clients and I work at the deepest level to create profound shifts and lasting results. I deeply care for clients and empower them to effortlessly connect to the wisdom held within. Creative solutions arise and everything they discover is held in a confidential and sacred space. My methods are intuitive and also include scientifically researched practical tools. Clients dissolve an ocean of stress, gain deep insights and the ability to make intuitive decisions; they report feeling much lighter and in a natural flow. Clients often continue sessions for many years, enjoying ever-expanding levels of inner knowledge and unity. It is a privilege to witness these results:


*Less Personal Drama & Blow Ups *Calmness & Bliss *Smooth Functioning in the World *Happiness & Success *Healthy Relationships *Wisdom & Awareness *Balance in Life *Diplomacy *Ease *Fearlessness *Perception Beyond Five Senses *Balance in Life *Connection to Divine Purpose *Upgrades in Consciousness *Love & Understanding *Healthy Boundaries *Direct Knowledge of Self Beyond the Body *Integration of Shifts *Being In the World, but Beyond It *Authenticity & Integration of All Parts of Self

Recovery from

*Loneliness *Stress, Depression & Anxiety *Suppressed Emotions *Anger & Resentment *Low Self Esteem *Insomnia & Fatigue * Blocks *Conflict *Failure * PTSD *Divorce *Addictions *Trauma *Narcissistic Abuse *Fears & Phobias *Bullying *Fame *Identity Crisis *Defamation & Smear Campaigns *Guilt & Shame *Burn Out *Infidelity *Grief *Loss *Confusion *Existential Crisis

My Core Values

Non-Judgment People from all backgrounds and belief systems are of value.

Equality We all have answers within us. Nobody is ‘better than’ anyone else.

Unity At a deep level we are one, so anything we do to another, we do to ourself.

Integration We are not one thing, role or type. There are many moving parts that wish to be expressed.

Lifetime membership: 00685371

Profile Featured in Psychology Today

Play this video to see what Aruna does in sessions with therapy clients.


Thank you for thinking of me. Kindly send your full details including your script, audience size and subject focus. If it’s a good fit and resonates I will be in touch.


Contact Aruna for further details